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12 best android apps all students must have. The last one is the best.

Are you studying your dream course?

While I was in pre tertiary school, i had my passion aligned to complexities. I used to like subjects that require logical inputs and brain power some of which are physics, mathematics, further_maths, etc. Not that I'm not good at the other subjects, I usually find them too cheap for my attention (wink).
Lo and be hold, I'm currently studying biology n the tertiary institustion, something I never saw coming. I may be studying biology in good faith, but I can't imagine myself studying chemistry,astronomy, history etc.
I spoke to few friends of mine about studying a subject that you have little or no interest in, their response was very similar (as I expected),  they'll never study a course that they're not interested in.
Taking into consideration that  our educational system is something else, ie it doesn't always favour our demand, people often accept the various courses they're being offered to study. Its pretty worrisome that after getting done with WAEC/NECO, passing JAMB, sitting for post UTME and then it's either accepting what the university offers or wait for another year. At this point, lots of people use to loose their track as their ambition is about to get shattered.
That's my part. A friend of mine was ever offered political science but he rejected it notifying me that he rather end up without a bachelor's degree than to acquire one in political science, Intl relations, agronomy etc.
Your turn,
-What is that course that you can NEVER taste?
-Are you studying your dream course?


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